What is this Tmobile early termination fee case settlement? Well, T-Mobile customers who were forced to pay the ETF or early termination fee upon canceling their contract have decided to file a class action lawsuit against the carrier.
The class action lawsuit accuses T-Mobile of violating the customer's her under the laws of various states, as well as federal law, by imposing flat-rate ETFs. The consumers are hoping for a quick resolution to this dispute. A Tmobile early termination fee case settlement is a likely outcome.
Again, customers who paid the ETF on or before February 19th of this year are welcome to join this Tmobile early termination fee case settlement.
What happens if one jouins this crusade to force a Tmobile early termination fee case settlement? Well, the court will make a decision on the merits of the the claims made in the lawsuit. If submitting a Claim Form, then you may be eligible for money ($125) or non-cash compensation (T-Mobile HotSpot access). However, you will not be able to participate in any other lawsuit against T-Mobile about any issues relating to the flat-rate ETF if you take part in this case.
If you decline from participating in this quest for Tmobile early termination fee case settlement, then you will not reap the benefits but you will keep your right to sue T-Mobile separately about the unjust early termination fee.
Click here to know more or participate in this Tmobile early termination fee class action lawsuit.
That's it for this information on the Tmobile early termination fee case settlement. This lawsuit has been filed in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Civil Action No. 08-04149 (JLL) (ES). Stay tuned to get the latest news and info on mobile phone contracts