I have read a lot of complaints against wireless contracts. This year, mobile phone carriers have been assaulted by numerous class action suits because of wireless contract disputes. I have also read the waivers and other statements that protect carriers from consumer complaints. All of these pointed to the fact that wireless contracts are not the most lovable aspect of owing a mobile phone.
After coming upon this brilliant realization, I decided to discuss a couple of the best options available to consumers who do not feel inclined to sign a long term mobile phone contract. Hopefully, these options will be able to guide contract-hating consumers to solutions that will givce them satisfaction.
One of the best ways to get mobile phone services without being caught in the clutches of wireless contracts is by purchasing a mobile phone on its full price. Mobile phone carriers encourage a lot of people to sign wireless contracts by giving a significant discount on the handsets. Customers are obliged to sign the contract so that they can take advantage of the discounts and perks. Never mind that contracts also come with numerous disadvantages.
A few weeks ago, Massachusetts Representative Edward J. Markey authored the Wireless Consumer Protection Bill. This bill aims to nullify the need for consumers to sign a mobile phone contract when they pay the full price for handsets. This bill is still being debated upon in Congress but some carriers allow customers to be free of contracts if they pay for the whole price but they do not advertise this option.
If you are a rich hombre, then you can probably march to a mobile phone retail store and purchase the hottest phone without signing a wireless contract. However, we can't all afford to purchase cool mobile phones at full price. Some customers have to turn to the Internet to get away from wireless contracts and get mobile phones at the same time.
You can get mobile phones at online auction sites like eBay at affordable prices. These phones
are free of contracts so customers can simply go to a cell phone service provider and activate the phone. However, purchasing gadgets and other items from online auctions can be risky do customers should consider this option carefully.
If you hate wireless contracts and can't afford to purchase a phone at full price or discount phones on the web, then you have another option. You can turn to prepaid plans if you don't want to be restricted by a wireless contract.
Consumers who get prepaid plan will be able to pay for minutes upfront. They can then simply get a new one once those minutes have been used up. You can say good riddance to wireless contracts if you choose this option. There will be no more complaints over unfair bills, contract extensions, fees and credit checks.
Unfortunately, getting a prepaid plan to escape a wireless contracts is not a perfect solution. You will be missing out on perks and promotions if you go prepaid. Contracts can be restrictive but they do offer discounts and promotions that make up for it. Customers have to weigh the options care fully before they choose this option. Some lifestyles may be compatible with prepaid plans but some people may be better off with wireless contracts.
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