Un the the terms and condition, an Alltel contract termination would require a heavy early termination fee or ETF . Of course, the average consumer would like to come out of a contract unscathed. Fortunately, their are Alltel contract termination techniques that would help one to pay no or less fees.
I've heard that some lucky subscribers were able to get Verizon Wireless to pay for their Alltel contract termination. Apparently, they were able to convince the carrier that the union was not in their best interest. Unfortunately, this Alltel contract termination technique mostly depends on the CS rep.
One might also save a few bucks on Alltel contract termination by telling the CS rep that one wishes to cancel, and to pay the difference in the price of the phone with your contract discount and the full retail price. This Alltel contract termination option is cheaper usually then paying the early termination fee.
It is also possible to get a free Alltel contract termination if you reside in an area with no Alltel service. The company is legally binded to cancel with out an ETF if the customer is having reception problems. One can also use the phone frequently in a predominantly partner coverage area. An Alltel contract termination would be awarded if the customer ends up costing the company in partner coverage fees.
But if you feel that switching to Verizon is not a bad option then you might get a free Alltel contract termination. Here's a quote from the Alltel-Verizon Wireless Integration website:
Can I switch to Verizon Wireless now instead of waiting until the transition period is over?There you have it. Those are some solid Alltel contract termination tips. Tune in to this site if you want to know more about wireless contracts.
Alltel customers who switch before the transition is complete will become new Verizon Wireless customers with new customer agreements.