The reduced pricing on the new Apple handset applies to AT&T customers whose contracts have already expired or for current iPhone users. However, the case is different for subscribers using phones other than an iPhone.
Aside from mobile phone contract length, the carrier also takes into account other factors such as spending level and paying his bills on time.
Existing iPhone customers who are eligible for an upgrade between June 7 and the end of this year to get the best pricing for the iPhone 4 with a two-year term commitment. They can purchase the handset for $399 for the 16GB model and $499 for the 32GB variant. A new two-year mobile phone contract.
Only current iPhone customers can upgrade six months early. All other AT&T subscribers must wait until their existing contracts expire.
These factors pretty much sum up the carrier's policy on upgrading to the new iPhone 4. The length of your wireless contract is very important but other factors will be considered as well. In this instant it pays to be a faithful AT&T subscriber.
That's it for this post. Tune in for more wireless contract news and related articles.