Monday, January 4, 2010

FCC on Verizon ETF Explanation: "Unsatisfying" and "Troubling"

A few weeks ago, Verizon Wireless released a 77 page statement in defense of its decision to increase the early termination fee or ETF for its "advanced devices" at the request of the FCC. This time, the commission has released its response to the carrier's defense of its increased ETF.

Well,. it appears that the 77 page statement did not impress the FCC. Mignon Clyburn, a Federal Communications Commission of the, described Verizon's official response to the FCC's query as "unsatisfying" and "troubling."

Here's more from Clyburn:

"Consumers already pay high monthly fees for voice and data designed to cover the costs of doing business. It is hard for me to believe that the public interest is being well served."

Those are some pretty scalding words for the Verizon Wireless. Let's see if they respond to these comments.

The FCC plans to investigate the matter further when it reconvenes in 2010 so tune in to this mobile phone contract blog to get the updates to this wireless contract news.

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