Monday, July 5, 2010

Verizon Wireless to Pay $21 Million for Wireless Contract ETF Settlement

Here's a great update for those who have a score to settle with Verizon Wireless. The nation's largest wireless carrier will pay for a class action lawsuit in California over early termination fees. Verizon Wireless will pay a total of $21 million to the 175,000 members of the class.

Each person in the class-action claim is estimated to receive $87.50 after challenging the carrier's practice of charging a $175 fee for breaking a wireless-service contract early.

The carrier will be made to pay after appeals court in California ruled that the class-action settlement should be upheld.

This Verizon Wireless contract settlement ends all litigation over how early termination fees were applied. However, this should not be applies to its current early termination fee policy. Verizon Wireless has increased ETF from $175 to a pro-rated $350 for "advanced devices" like smartphones and netbooks.

Scott Bursor, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs in the case commented,
"Yesterday's ruling by the Court of Appeal confirms that this is a terrific settlement for Verizon Wireless customers, and now more than 175,000 of those customers will get a substantial refund"

This case was filed in 1999 and centered on a flat $175 ETF.

Tune in for more details on this wireless contract news and update.

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